

The epistle or letter to the Hebrews was written 68 years after Jesus' death, two short years before the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.写给希伯来人的书信是在耶稣死后XNUMX年,即罗马人毁灭耶路撒冷两年后写的。 It opens with a profound statement about Jesus –它以关于耶稣的深刻陈述开头– “上帝在不同的时代以不同的方式和先知在时间上向父亲说话,在最后的日子里,他的儿子与我们说话,他已经任命了万物的继承人,也通过他创造了世界; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.”祂是祂荣耀的光辉和祂个人形象的显示,并在祂自己洗净我们的罪孽时,借着祂的能力的话坚持万物,坐在high下的右手高处,比天使更好,因为他通过继承获得了比他们更好的名字。” (希伯来语1:1-4)

1,800本历史书(约书亚记到以斯帖记); 39本诗集(乔布斯到宋); and 5 books of prophecy (Isaiah to Malachi).和12篇预言书(以赛亚书到玛拉基书)。

The last days, as well as the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus began to be fulfilled when He was born.最后的日子,以及关于耶稣的旧约预言,都是在耶稣出生时就实现的。 God first spoke through prophets, and then through His Son.上帝首先通过先知说话,然后通过他的儿子说话。 Jesus is the heir of all things.耶稣是万物的继承人。 诗篇2:8 指耶稣说, “问我,我将为你们的遗产给你们万国,为您的财产给世界尽头。” 歌罗西书1:16 声明 “因为他创造了天上,地上所有可见和不可见的东西,无论是宝座,统治,公权或权力。 万物都是通过他为他创造的。”

Jesus is the Creator of all things.耶稣是万物的创造者。 Speaking of Jesus,说到耶稣, 约翰1:1-3“起初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。 He was in the beginning with God.他刚开始与上帝同在。 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”万物都是靠他造的,没有他,就没有造出来的东西。”

Jesus is the brightness of God's glory.耶稣是上帝荣耀的光辉。 He is God and radiates His own glory.他是上帝,散发着自己的荣耀。 His glory blinded Saul on the Damascus road.他的荣耀使扫罗在大马士革路上蒙蔽了双眼。 Jesus said耶稣说 “我是世界之光。 He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”跟随我的那位将不会在黑暗中行走,而要拥有生命的光明。” (约翰8:12)

Jesus is the express image of God.耶稣是上帝明确的形象。 He is a perfect representation of God's nature, being, and essence in time and space.他是神在时间和空间上的本质,存在和本质的完美代表。 Jesus told Philip,耶稣告诉菲利普, “我和你在一起已经很久了,但是你还不认识我吗,菲利普? He who has seen Me has seen the Father;看见我的人看见了父。 so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?”那么你怎么能说:“给我们看父亲”?” (约翰14:9)

耶稣借着他的大能之道维护万物。 约翰1:3-4“万事都是借着他造的,没有他,就没有造任何东西。 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”生命在他里面,生命就是人的光。” 歌罗西书1:17 告诉我们 “他在万物之前,万物都在他里面。” Jesus alone purged our sins.耶稣独自净化了我们的罪过。 He took the punishment we deserved for our rebellion against God.他接受了我们应得的反抗上帝的惩罚。 提多书2:14 教耶稣 “谁为我们献出了自己,以便他可以赎回我们从每一个无法无天的行为中,为自己净化自己的特殊人民,他们热衷于做善事。”

After His resurrection and ascension to heaven, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God, which is a place of power, authority, and honor.耶稣复活和升天之后,在上帝的右边坐下,那里是能力,权柄和荣耀的地方。 Today He rules as sovereign Lord.今天,他统治主权主权。

Jesus became much better than the angels.耶稣变得比天使更好。 In His divine essence Jesus has eternally existed but was temporarily made lower than the angels in order to perform His redemptive work.耶稣在其神圣的本质上永恒存在,但为了履行他的救赎工作,暂时被置于天使之下。 He has now been exalted to a much higher position than the angels.现在他已被提升到比天使更高的位置。

Jesus by inheritance has a more excellent name than the angels.耶稣通过继承比天使具有更出色的名字。 He is Lord.他是主。 Angels are spirit beings created by God to minister to Him and to do His work.天使是上帝创造的精神人,要服侍他并从事他的工作。 We learn about Jesus from我们从中了解耶稣 腓2:6-11 “以上帝的形式存在的人,不认为抢劫与上帝平等,而是以自己的名誉,以束缚者的形式出现,并以男人的身份出现。 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.被发现是人时,他谦卑自己,顺服死亡的要害,甚至十字架的死。 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”因此,上帝也高度尊崇他,并给他起名,高于万有的名,以耶稣的名,天上的,地上的,地下的都应屈膝。要说出父神的荣耀,每一口都要承认耶稣基督是主。”


MacArthur, John.麦克阿瑟,约翰。 The MacArthur Study Bible.麦克阿瑟研究圣经。 Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997.纳什维尔:托马斯·尼尔森,XNUMX年。

Pfeiffer,Charles F.编,Howard F. Vos编和John Rea编。 Wycliffe Bible Dictionary.威克里夫圣经字典。 Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 1998.皮博迪:亨德里克森出版社,XNUMX年。