

The epistle or letter to the Hebrews was written 68 years after Jesus' death, two short years before the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.寫給希伯來人的書信是在耶穌死後XNUMX年,即羅馬人毀滅耶路撒冷兩年後寫的。 It opens with a profound statement about Jesus –它以關於耶穌的深刻陳述開頭– “上帝在不同的時代以不同的方式和先知在時間上向父親說話,在最後的日子裡,他的兒子與我們說話,他已經任命了萬物的繼承人,也通過他創造了世界; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.”祂是祂榮耀的光輝和祂人格形象的表達,並在祂自己洗淨我們的罪孽時,藉著祂的能力的話堅持萬物,就坐在high下的右手高處,比天使更好,因為他通過繼承獲得了比他們更好的名字。” (希伯來語1:1-4)

1,800本歷史書(約書亞記到以斯帖記); 39本詩集(喬布斯到宋); and 5 books of prophecy (Isaiah to Malachi).和12篇預言書(以賽亞書到瑪拉基書)。

The last days, as well as the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus began to be fulfilled when He was born.最後的日子,以及關於耶穌的舊約預言,都是在耶穌出生時就實現的。 God first spoke through prophets, and then through His Son.上帝首先通過先知說話,然後通過他的兒子說話。 Jesus is the heir of all things.耶穌是萬物的繼承人。 詩篇2:8 指耶穌說, “問我,我將為你們的遺產給你們萬國,為您的財產給世界盡頭。” 歌羅西書1:16 聲明 “因為他創造了天上,地上所有可見和不可見的東西,無論是寶座,統治,公權或權力。 萬物都是通過他為他創造的。”

Jesus is the Creator of all things.耶穌是萬物的創造者。 Speaking of Jesus,說到耶穌, John 1:1-3“起初有道,道與神同在,道就是神。 He was in the beginning with God.他剛開始與上帝同在。 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”萬物都是藉著他造的,沒有他,就沒有造出來的東西。”

Jesus is the brightness of God's glory.耶穌是上帝榮耀的光輝。 He is God and radiates His own glory.他是上帝,散發著自己的榮耀。 His glory blinded Saul on the Damascus road.他的榮耀使掃羅在大馬士革路上蒙蔽了雙眼。 Jesus said耶穌說 “我是世界之光。 He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”跟隨我的那位將不會走在黑暗中,而要擁有生命的光。” (約翰8:12)

Jesus is the express image of God.耶穌是上帝明確的形象。 He is a perfect representation of God's nature, being, and essence in time and space.他是神在時間和空間上的本質,存在和本質的完美代表。 Jesus told Philip,耶穌告訴菲利普, “我和你在一起已經很久了,但是你還不認識我嗎,菲利普? He who has seen Me has seen the Father;看見我的人看見了父。 so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?”那麼你怎麼能說:“給我們看父親”?” (約翰14:9)

耶穌藉著他的大能之道維護萬物。 John 1:3-4“萬事都是藉著他造的,沒有他,就沒有造任何東西。 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”生命在他裡面,生命就是人的光。” 歌羅西書1:17 告訴我們 “他在萬物之前,萬物都在他裡面。” Jesus alone purged our sins.耶穌獨自淨化了我們的罪過。 He took the punishment we deserved for our rebellion against God.他接受了我們應得的反抗上帝的懲罰。 提多書2:14 教耶穌 “誰為我們獻出了自己,以便他可以贖回我們從每一個無法無天的行為中,為自己淨化自己的特殊人民,他們熱衷於做善事。”

After His resurrection and ascension to heaven, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God, which is a place of power, authority, and honor.耶穌復活和升天之後,在上帝的右邊坐下,那裡是能力,權柄和榮耀的地方。 Today He rules as sovereign Lord.今天,他統治主權主權。

Jesus became much better than the angels.耶穌變得比天使更好。 In His divine essence Jesus has eternally existed but was temporarily made lower than the angels in order to perform His redemptive work.耶穌在其神聖的本質上永恆存在,但為了履行他的救贖工作,暫時被置於天使之下。 He has now been exalted to a much higher position than the angels.現在他已被提升到比天使更高的位置。

Jesus by inheritance has a more excellent name than the angels.耶穌通過繼承比天使具有更出色的名字。 He is Lord.他是主。 Angels are spirit beings created by God to minister to Him and to do His work.天使是神創造的靈性生命,要服侍他並從事他的工作。 We learn about Jesus from我們從中了解耶穌 腓立比人2:6-11 “以上帝的形式存在的人,不認為搶劫與上帝平等,而是以自己的名譽,以束縛者的形式出現,並以男人的身份出現。 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.被發現是個男人時,他謙卑自己,順服死亡的要害,甚至十字架的死。 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”因此,上帝也高度尊崇他,並給他起名,高於萬有的名,以耶穌的名,天上的,地上的,地下的都應屈膝。要說出父神的榮耀,每一口都要承認耶穌基督是主。”


MacArthur, John.麥克阿瑟,約翰。 The MacArthur Study Bible.麥克阿瑟學習聖經。 Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997.納什維爾:托馬斯·尼爾森,XNUMX年。

Pfeiffer,Charles F.編,Howard F. Vos編和John Rea編。 Wycliffe Bible Dictionary.威克里夫聖經字典。 Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 1998.皮博迪:亨德里克森出版社,XNUMX年。