What is danger of the occult pagan altar of Freemasonry?
From a writer who has done years of research on Freemasonry – “it appears that good men, without realizing it, have submitted themselves to pagan gods when they have bowed their knees to the altars of Freemasonry.” (Campbell 13) Mr. Campbell goes on to state “If my findings are correct, Freemasonry is blatant idolatry, and the consequential curses attached to involvement in Freemasonry are dangerous if not deadly for both Masons and their families.” (Campbell 13)
Campbell writes that Freemasonry is “a multi-layered, complex organization with many interpretations of its roots, symbols, and rituals.” (Campbell 18) He points out that the ‘public’ information that you receive about Freemasonry is considered ‘exoteric’ knowledge. For example, this is what you would be exposed to if you attend a Masonic funeral. In Freemasonry, as well as in Mormonism and other religious organizations which are occult, there is information that is only divulged to the initiated. This information is ‘esoteric’ or ‘secret’ knowledge. This is referred to as ‘occult’ knowledge, because it is ‘hidden’ or ‘secret’ and only revealed to the initiated member. You would need to be a faithful member of the organization before you would be taught these things. (Campbell 18) One Mason told Mr. Campbell that the Masons were not a secret society, but a society with secrets. (Campbell 24)
Many men join Freemasonry because it seems good for their future and for their careers. They may want to make more friends and feel that being involved in Masonry may help them and their families be more secure. They may want to network and make more business contacts. (Campbell 31-32)
Campbell points out that on the surface, Freemasonry ‘appears to be benevolent,’ but he asks ‘what of the Mystic Tie that unites men of all nations and gives one altar to men of all religions? (Campbell 35) One former Worshipful Master Mason, Edmond Ronayne, writes – “In all the popular Manuals of Freemasonry and in its standard works of the highest authority and merit, there are four well-authenticated claims as set up on behalf of that institution, as follows: First, that it is a religious philosophy, or a system of religious science. Second, that it was revived in its ‘present outward form’ in 1717. Third, that all its ceremonies, symbols, and the celebrated legend of Hiram in the Master Mason’s degree were directly borrowed from the ‘Ancient Mysteries,’ or the secret worship of Baal, Osiris, or Tammuz. And finally, that a strict obedience to its precepts and obligations is all that is necessary to free man from sin and to secure for him a happy immortality.” (Campbell 37)
Paul warned the Corinthians – “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.’” (2 Corinthians 6: 14-16)
Campbell, Ron G. Free from Freemasonry. Ventura: Regal Books, 1999.
Former Mason’s Testimony: